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Cloth Diapering Can Be Easier Than You Think

While pregnant with their first child, Reuben and Laura realized they were not comfortable throwing away so many disposable diapers so we decided to call a diaper service.

With each year they found more ways to reduce our waste and to live more earth friendly lives. So, with the birth of their 2nd child in 2011 they ksigned up with our local diaper service. But, by the end of the year, that company decided to pursue other endeavors and Laura and Reuben became the proud owners of a diaper service.

They then added Eco Ease which helps families reduce their plastic use by offering refill products and services for the whole family!

I was sitting in a waiting room the other day and a young couple with a brand new little baby settled into the seats directly across from me. Daddy stands up and reaches into the stroller and picks up the most adorable little brand new baby and just sighs and frowns and turns the baby toward mommy and shows her the wet messy brown stain all up the back of this tiny baby that is at max a couple weeks old. Mommy sighs and tells him to take the baby to the bathroom to change the baby and so daddy does and returns with a naked baby in a disposable diaper. We've all been there. They didn't have a change of clothes with them. Luckily they did have more of those disposables that clearly didn't hold in the poop.

This is the reality. Cloth diapers when fit on snugly actually don't leak. I've cloth diapered two kids and I had exactly one leak and yet when traveling abroad and using disposables I had many leaks. Disposable diapers are not only bad for the environment but they also can leak a lot. Especially up the back and poop up in the baby's hair This is because they are paper thin. But when I say "cloth", maybe you think "too much work. I'm a tired new mom" and so I say "it's easier than you think, especially when you let us do the dirty work."

I know for so many people the idea of dealing with wet or messy cloth diapers can be daunting. It seems like it must be more work right? But the truth is that if you master cloth, it's just another diaper changed in many you change in your baby's young life. A diaper change and cleaning up poop is all the same at some point. There can be an extra step with certain cloth styles so we will go over that next, but the main difference is that cloth needs to be put into a pail and then washed. That is where we come in. We can supply you with the cloth diapers and wash them. You don't need to own them or wash them yourself.

The Three Styles of Cloth Diapers

Prefold Diaper Inserts

Type 1(a)

The type you need to fold and use a cover to keep in wetness which would be prefold diapers or flats.

Prefold Diaper Cover

Type 1(b)

Cover that goes over the prefold diaper

Cloth Diaper Button Insert

Type 2

The type that you snap around the baby but still need to use a cover with which are fitted diapers.

Cloth Diaper

Type 3

The type that is a diaper with a waterproof outer which would be an all-in-one diaper, all-in-two diaper or a pocket.

If you choose the prefold diaper you will have a two step process and it can be a bit more work than a disposable, however, it will be the least expensive option for cloth diapering. If you choose the fitted diaper option it is also a two step process but a tad easier and it will also be more than the one step of using a disposable. If you choose the all-in-one diaper, you will just put the diaper on and go.

So remember when I said that cloth diapers don't leak? Well they don't if they are snugly fit onto the baby. The legs and waist have more elasticity than the disposable and can keep everything in if you are using a diaper that is the right size and fits well and snug.

So now my question is, if we can do all the washing of the cloth and supply you with the cloth does it still seem harder than a disposable? Changing diapers will always be a part of parenting that is work, but with cloth you can get cute bright colors and patterns and the diaper is adorable instead of a piece of paper that is plain and will clog up the landfill. Fluff butt is so adorable that many moms love to collect the different prints and colors. It can be fun to diaper when you are getting to choose an adorable diaper to put on and I always used it as a time to sing a song to my babies or to count to them or do ABC's, even in a different language. It became a moment of fun and learning.

Learn More!

If you have any questions or would like to know more about cloth diapering or eco refill products and what small steps you can do to help the environment then feel free to give us a call at Pannolino at 657-210-1021.

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