Stressed parents

Getting Back In To A Routine

Do you feel like the picture above after the holidays? Here are some tips about how to get back into a routine and feel like yourself again!

Start Slow

As much as we want to get our routine back ASAP, it can take some time. Pick one thing that has been off and add that back in. Mine is making my bed every day. Once I've been consistent in that, I add something else.

Get Moving

A change of scenery and moving your body will help everyone in the house! Whether you make it out to a Fit4Mom class, use our Video on Demand, or go for a walk getting out and about will reset the mood and outlook of all members of your house!

Make A List Or Two!

It can feel overwhelming to have all of these tasks and plans stored in our heads. Write it all down. That simple act can help calm your mind and make it easier to focus on tasks.

Celebrate Small Wins

Be proud of yourself for getting doing the small things! The last few months of holiday madness has been a lot! Kids are going crazy and the house might be a mess, but celebrate when you accomplish something on your list!

Give Yourself Grace

Will it be perfect? Absolutely not. Day 1 may go great, but day 2 may not. And that is okay. You are doing the best you can and that is all you can ask. You've got this!